Blog #11 Fact #10 What are the current asset thresholds for aged care and what do they mean?

As of September 2024, they are as follows:

Between $0 and $61,500 – This is the Asset Free Threshold – If a person has assets between these amounts there is no asset fee payable

Between $61,500 and $206,039.20 – Once assets are over $61,500 and under $206,039.20, a person would pay 17.5% of the difference up to $206,039.20. They would not be required to pay care fees but may be asked to pay an accommodation contribution

Between $206,039.20 and $495,117.60 – Once assets are above $206,039.20, and less than $495,117.60 they will  be asked to pay the full cost of a room, plus 1% of assets above the $206,039.20 to the $495,117.60 level as a means tested asset fee

With assets above $495,117.60 a person will be asked to pay the full cost of a room plus 1% of assets above the $206,039.20 up to $495,117.60 plus an additional 2% of assets over this amount as a means tested fee asset fee.

There are yearly and lifetime capped limits placed on means tested fees


Blog #12 Fact #11 What are current income thresholds for aged care and what do they mean? (as of September 24)


Blog #10 Fact #09 Is it possible to enter aged care without having to pay either a either DAC, DAP, RAC OR RAD Payments?