Blog #08 Fact #07 What are the seven (7) types of fees a person may pay in aged care?

Depending on a person’s financial position and given some fees are compulsory and some optional, most people will end up paying at least four or five of the seven possible fees. What they pay depends on what they choose from any optional fees, what is compulsory, and where they fit financially at the time of their Centrelink assessment. It is possible to have all accommodation paid for, and pay the basic fee only.

What are these seven (7) different types of fees?

·         Basic Fee- everybody pays a basic fee – not negotiable

·         Extra Service Fee- Things like -hotel type services, above average accommodation, better quality linen, wine, beer, pay tv, haircuts, having nails cared for, optional food services

·         Additional Service Fees- things like nursing, other health services, incontinence aids, mobility equipment, specialised bedding-optional

·         DAP- Daily Accommodation Payment

·         DAC- Daily Accommodation Contribution  

·         RAC - Refundable Accommodation Contribution

·         RAD – Refundable Accommodation Deposit


Blog #09 Fact #08 Why should aged care planning be done at least (5) years from entering aged care?


Blog #07 Fact #6 What are the three (3) different outcomes for a room in aged care?